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All Action! Cards have two things on each card:

  • The Plot
  • The Action

The Plot[edit | edit source]

These plots are for the players to use, or the GM before each scenario (or session). The following plots exist right now.

Alertness[edit | edit source]

Someone notices something relevant to the current situation.

Breakthrough![edit | edit source]

A current task or dilemma is suddenly resolved.

Campaign[edit | edit source]

Another subplot becomes semi-permanent.

Claim[edit | edit source]

You may claim participation in someone else's subplot.

Common Ground[edit | edit source]

You and the opposition find temporary common ground.

Connection[edit | edit source]

You know someone in the area that might help.

Double Cross![edit | edit source]

You become double crossed or double cross the party. This card refills all your Point pools.

Idea![edit | edit source]

You think of something that helps you along. Allows for permanent new things with Campaign.

Leadership[edit | edit source]

You take control of the situation. Refill one person's pool. Resolve one dilemma or cause a setback.

Martyr[edit | edit source]

You are out of the fight, but resolve the current dilemma. With Campaign: resolves the scenario, but kills you.

Mistaken Identity[edit | edit source]

You or someone else is mistaken for someone else.

Nemesis[edit | edit source]

You or someone else have a personal grudge against you or someone else.

Personal Stake[edit | edit source]

Now it's personal!

Rally[edit | edit source]

Everyone except you refills all their Point pools. You get Inspired this scene.

Romance[edit | edit source]

You or someone else find you or someone else romantically attractive.

The Shit Hits The Fan![edit | edit source]

The situation deteriorates in a catastrophic manner. Situation also becomes Dramatic: all Actions become Hazardous and Promising.

Suspicion[edit | edit source]

You or someone else is the subject of suspicion.

The Third Man[edit | edit source]

A third party with its own agenda shows up.

The Unknown[edit | edit source]

A weird, sometimes alien, third party shows up.

Wild![edit | edit source]

The situation becomes totally crazy. All Actions count as Experimental and Ínspired.

The Action[edit | edit source]

At the beginning of an encounter, fight or session (or whenever) the GM can draw a card to see what kind of situation this is and what Actions are approved. A player can change the card with a successful Action of the approved type.

Attack![edit | edit source]

All Attack Actions are Inspired.

Deceive![edit | edit source]

All Deceit Actions are Inspired.

Defend![edit | edit source]

All Active Defenses are Inspired.

Drama![edit | edit source]

All Actions are Hazardous and Promising.

Fatigue![edit | edit source]

All Actions cause Fatigue.

Inspiration![edit | edit source]

All Actions are Inspired.

Interaction![edit | edit source]

All Interaction Actions are Inspired.

Rejuvenation![edit | edit source]

All successful Actions return d10 Shockpoints, and all Wounds become bandaged.

Stymie![edit | edit source]

All Actions are Stymied.

Support![edit | edit source]

Non-Attack Actions are Inspired.