Combat System (WoD)
Combat System[edit | edit source]
Attack rolls do not receive any normal bonuses for equipment. Training, balanced weapons and laser sights might add 0-5 dice.
Damage is calculated by multiplying hit successes with the Damage rating of the weapon.
As an Action, you may Dodge the incoming attack with the following roll:
Firearms: Dexterity+Firearms. Your dodge ends with you prone or behind cover. You may move a standing jump from your position to find cover.
Firearms in melee range: Dexterity+Brawl or Weaponry
Weaponry: Dexterity+Weaponry
Brawl: Dexterity+Brawl or Weaponry
Standard beat cop Dex 2+Skill 2 shoots his .38 special (Damage 2) and hits for the normal success (although the average is 1.6). This causes (1 (success) x (Damage) 2=) 2 dice of Damage. This may cause anything from nothing to a serious wound (4 health levels).
A sniper with some training (3+3 dice) and a Rifle (Damage 5) with a scope shoots a target. He normally aims for an additional 3 dice(=9). This causes an average of 15 ((3.6 rounded down)3 successes times Damage 5) dice of damage, enough to kill most people and severely cripple the rest (6 health levels standard).