Old stuff
Old stuff[edit | edit source]
Initiative[edit | edit source]
Initiative is rolled with Dex+Wits with a Difficulty set by the ST, each turn.
Starting Initiative tick is equal to successes on the roll, counting down towards 0.
You may only perform a Simple Action on or after your Initiative tick and only one Simple Action per tick.
You may perform a Reflexive Action on any Initiative tick.
Multi-Action penalty[edit | edit source]
Every Action (Simple or Reflexive) performed causes a -2 pool penalty to all following Action dice pools.
Defense[edit | edit source]
You may perform Defense on any tick, and it causes a -2 pool penalty to all following action dice pools.
It is a Reflexive action.
Full Defense[edit | edit source]
You may abort your Action to a Full Defense at any time before or during your Action. This causes you to be able to Defend all attacks without any penalties to your pool. This lasts until the end of the current turn. It is a Reflexive Action.
Ambush[edit | edit source]
The target has no Defence pool.
=== Simple Charms ===
You may split your normal dice action on the turn you perform a simple Charm. Any eventual roll made when performing the Simple Charm then receives the normal penalties for splitting actions.
Extra Action Charms[edit | edit source]
You may split your normal dice action on the turn you perform an Extra Action charm. This means that you can perform the same Extra Action Charm several times in a round.
Splitting Actions[edit | edit source]
You may split your action any number of ways. The split actions occur on each turn "tick" past the original. At any time, you may wait and delay your actions. The count then continues when you wish to continue to act.
Example 1: Wolfgar splits his melee action into 8 actions to finish off all the goblins around him. His original Initiative was 24. He will now act on 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, and 16 if he doesn't delay any actions.
Example 2: Next round, Oblivious Blossom splits her action to fire arrows at all 6 targets present. She has an original Initiative of 16, and so acts on 16, 15, 14, and 13 as planned. Here, she waits for the last 2 targets to show themselves, which they do on Initiative count 5, running towards her. They don't reach her and she continues firing at count 5, and lastly, 4.