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Shaken[edit | edit source]

When a target takes 1 or more Shock points it becomes Shaken.
You may not perform Active Defenses or Free Actions. At the beginning of an Action, you roll Willpower+Focus Difficulty 0+15 as an Action. If you succeed, you are no longer Shaken and may perform Actions normally.

Percentile Wound Penalty[edit | edit source]

Percentage of Wounds taken 0 10 25 50 75 90
Wound penalty 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5

Massive Damage[edit | edit source]

Anytime someone takes Damage equal to 4 times the Wound Threshold, they are said to have taken Massive Damage.

Cinematic Wounds[edit | edit source]

Cinematic Wounds don't have a mechanism per se, but hamper the character in cinematic ways. Typical examples include burnt hands, broken arms and legs, blood in the eyes and twitching from electrocution. Also included are flashbacks, temporary insanity or amnesia. All cinematic wounds heal at the end of session, or when appropriate (Optional: Cinematic Wounds provide 10xp to the party when healed).
A Character who takes a hit with Massive Damage, that is Damage [Wound Threshold x 4] or more takes a Cinematic Wound.

Advanced Mooks[edit | edit source]

A Mook now follows the following rules:

  • Damage 0-4: Shaken.
  • Damage 5-9: Attacker gains Free d10 next Action.
  • Damage10-15: Mook is unconscious.
  • Damage 16-20: Mook is permanently out of Action.