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Ability Definitions[edit | edit source]

Sidereal combat skills[edit | edit source]

Alla siderala slåssfärdigheter skall vara formade som martial arts-stilar (börjar med maiden-specifika charms, form i mitten, specials baserade på multiple maidens efter form, kanske en supreme (nästan sideral charm) på slutet).

Ability Changes[edit | edit source]

Martial Arts[edit | edit source]

Martial Arts is now an Attribute, starting at 0 for all characters. Martial Arts is replaced by Battle.

War[edit | edit source]

Martial Arts has been replaced.
Earth Aspect DragonBlooded now have Brawl, Fire Aspected have replaced Socialize with War, and Water Aspects replaced Brawl with Socialize.
Chosen of the Maiden of Battles now have Brawl replaced by War, and Chosen of the Maiden of Endings get Brawl instead of Martial Arts.

Specialties[edit | edit source]

You may buy any number of Specialties for all skills. No specific specialty may be raised above 3. Cost is 2 xp per dot. Time required is 2 weeks per dot, or days for Favored and Caste/Aspect. Specialties also lower Difficulties by their rating.

Linguistics and Performance[edit | edit source]

When buying Linguistics and Performance, one language or performing art must be specified per dot bought. Extra languages or performing arts cost 3 xp.

Crafts[edit | edit source]

When buying Craft, there are 10 different Crafts, of which you choose one, and an Area of Expertise. Other AoEs within the Craft cost 3 xp, but you may roll AoEs within the Craft as if unskilled. Rolling for a Craft you do not know is impossible.

Craft Fate[edit | edit source]

(from the Charm Elegant Patterns of Fate, Sidereals 1st ed.)
Sidereals can normally use an Intelligence + Craft (Fate) roll to design aesthetic weaves of events and circumstance that appeal to the various planning committees as means for untangling the snarls in the Loom of Fate. However, shaping these weaves so that they still further the character's personal goals, by the time every one involved sets their stamp on the project, requires a supernatural insight into the bureaucracy of Heaven. This Charm provides that insight.

Elegant Patterns of Fate adds up to the character's Essence in dice to the Craft roll and allows the result to steer the course of events. This uses the normal rules for using Craft to plan projects. The character literally designs a blueprint for the future. The difficulty depends on the scale and precision of the design. The number of successes provides a rough measure of its quality and robustness. Each success represents one horrible fluke, one heroic effort to escape the web of fate or one clash with the efforts of the Yozis or Malfeans that the character's plan endures.

Many such designs go into any given day's fate, A number of Sidereal Exalted have this Charm. Spirits with the Creation of Perfection Charm (see Games of Divinity, p. 127) can also compete at the destiny designing game. Treat the relevant rolls as explicitly opposed but only to see what happens when two plans conflict, For example, if one plan focuses on the death of Cathak Cainan of House Cathak and the transfer of his power to his son, while another relies on Cainan's support for a joint venture with House V'neef, the opposed roll decides whether he lives or dies. However, even if he lives, his power likely drifts into his son's hands. Even if he dies, House Cathak probably supports the joint venture.

Members of the Eclipse and Moonshadow Castes can learn this Charm, but it does them no good unless some one submits their proposals to the Bureau of Destiny.

The 10 Crafts

Brawl, Melee, Martial Arts[edit | edit source]

You may now abort to a cascading parry against hand-to-hand attacks. Brawl Solars : Grapple, Throw, Fight Many, Use of improvised tools and incidental things, Block Weapons, Good for tight environments. Use of environment-charms, Good Initiative, No-Penalty Parries, Knock-Out, Pushback, Knockdown

Occult[edit | edit source]

Combined Abilities[edit | edit source]

Typical Combined Abilities include:

  • Technology (from Autochthonia) (Craft, Lore, Occult)
  • Gambling (Larceny, Socialize, War)
  • Hunting (Archery, Thrown, Survival, Craft)
  • Politics(Socialize, Bureaucracy, Presence, Performance)
  • Other professions