Explorers!/Artifact/Advanced Sensor Suite

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Advanced Sensor Suite[edit | edit source]

Detection +8 EV.
May move point of scan within gravity well. This has Range [Gravity well].
Scan range is [Perception] km. Communications range [Solar System].
Replaces Mecha Advanced Sensor Probe.
Progression:Adv. Sensor Suite (Progression 1)

Detection Points
+10 1
+1 +1

Sensor Patching[edit | edit source]

1 point
Transmit and share sensordata in any way.

Night Vision[edit | edit source]

1 point
A responsive, self-adjusting system that allows the pilot to see in normal darkness in any condition.

Ultra Vision[edit | edit source]

1 point
See through. Hindered by dense materials.

Senses[edit | edit source]

New senses.

Artifact Sense[edit | edit source]

1 point. Artifact Radar.

Gravitonic Sense[edit | edit source]

1 point. See the solar system.

EM Vision[edit | edit source]

1 point
Allows for the the vision of all EM radiation.